Sunday, September 25, 2005
24 Sept, the day i came into this world. Looking back, 20 yrs of my life have been blissful and i am thankful for being blessed. Been blessed with a wonderful family, great friends. What more can i ask for. oh ya becoming a millionaire !! haha. but thats not impt. I hope life will continue to be great with my family and friends.
23 sept,Friday night. Had dinner with my family. Went to Hot stones at Clarke Quay. I've been craving for it for quite some time. However the standards have dropped, sadly. I had Cream of wild mushrooms, Seafood delight consisting of salmon, prawns, crayfish and scallops. Yum ! and a bowl of potato salad. After that went China Square and ate some fish slices.
Headed down to Paradiz Center to whack some balls with gav and kel. Met mun at ps and watch The Myth. Its quite a nice show, with good actions, but some parts r pretty lame. Would recommend it tho. Kel was the 1st to wish me happy bday at 12am. He was like hitting me, den i turned and look at him with a puzzled face. Then he grinned and wished me happy bday. Gav was 1 seat away and as usual he like to sms pple, smsed me a happy bday greetings. Followed my mun, who was 2 seats away. A few others smsed me too. Thanks guys.
24 Sept, Sat. Woke up at 1pm !! and i m suppose to meet them at 1pm in town ! 6 sms received. Mostly bday greetings, thanks again ! Kel oso msged saying meet at 2pm. phew ! But i reached town ard 2.40 like that. Cos my dad bought fish soup for me and my family got a black forest cake from prima deli for me =) yum yum. really savoury and nice. I had lunch with kel and jon at long john silver at cine. They presented me with several gifts. Hehe =) A Billabong sling bag and a billabong cap. Thanks kel, gav, anne and diane ! A set of nike wrist band with attached time piece. Cool stuff ! Thanks jonnie boy ! Gav joined us shortly. We headed down to the man utd store. My colleagues from Shell gave me some cash to get myself a farewell gift. So nice of them !! I got myself a black man utd jersey, hehe =D. Next we went Toys r us and got sth for a sudent of ours. He maybe notti, but he has a good heart and is sensible. We love him. Was abt to head to the mrt station when we pass Haagen Dazs. So I gave jon and gav a treat. Dun worry kel, we shall go for ice cream buffet after u recover. =)
Met mun and steph at PS. Mun got me 2 bottles of liang cha ! such a nice guy man !! thanks baby ! piggy joined us shortly. We Qed for quite some time b4 entering Thai Express. So much for being called express. The food was not that fantastic. It was alright. But we applied for the Orange card and got ourselves a discount becos its my bday ! and also a complimentary bottle of Red wine. Walked for a while in PS den piggy drove us to arab street. We had some light snacks and ordered vanilla flavoured sheesha. Unfortunately I could not smoke cos I was having cough =(. The ts peeps got me this yummy heart-shaped ice cream cake from Andersons. Cough also must eat !! haha. I m so sorry guys for appearing lifeless and moodless. My illness was taking a toll on me. Had breathing difficulties and was feeling very lethargic. But being with u guys made me feel happy ! I will be back with a bang ! Would like to shout out a special thanks to piggy for sending me back. Really sweet of u =). Thankfully mun and u were smart enuff to find ur way back.
Here are some pics of my bday pressies ..
A farewell cum bday gift from shell :

Finally a new sling bag ! (doesnt this type of bag looks like someone else's):

Cool cap ! (hmm now this cap looks like someone else's too) :

A titanium ring ! sleek ! :

A big ang bao ! $888 ..right ! :

Hush puppies socks :

Best brother award *grinz* :

Jus another underwear ? :

NOT !!! Check it out !:

Creator of Don Junior ! heh :

Thanks peeps for the lovely wonderful and interesting pressies =D
posted at 9:18 AM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
24 Sept, the day i came into this world. Looking back, 20 yrs of my life have been blissful and i am thankful for being blessed. Been blessed with a wonderful family, great friends. What more can i ask for. oh ya becoming a millionaire !! haha. but thats not impt. I hope life will continue to be great with my family and friends.
23 sept,Friday night. Had dinner with my family. Went to Hot stones at Clarke Quay. I've been craving for it for quite some time. However the standards have dropped, sadly. I had Cream of wild mushrooms, Seafood delight consisting of salmon, prawns, crayfish and scallops. Yum ! and a bowl of potato salad. After that went China Square and ate some fish slices.
Headed down to Paradiz Center to whack some balls with gav and kel. Met mun at ps and watch The Myth. Its quite a nice show, with good actions, but some parts r pretty lame. Would recommend it tho. Kel was the 1st to wish me happy bday at 12am. He was like hitting me, den i turned and look at him with a puzzled face. Then he grinned and wished me happy bday. Gav was 1 seat away and as usual he like to sms pple, smsed me a happy bday greetings. Followed my mun, who was 2 seats away. A few others smsed me too. Thanks guys.
24 Sept, Sat. Woke up at 1pm !! and i m suppose to meet them at 1pm in town ! 6 sms received. Mostly bday greetings, thanks again ! Kel oso msged saying meet at 2pm. phew ! But i reached town ard 2.40 like that. Cos my dad bought fish soup for me and my family got a black forest cake from prima deli for me =) yum yum. really savoury and nice. I had lunch with kel and jon at long john silver at cine. They presented me with several gifts. Hehe =) A Billabong sling bag and a billabong cap. Thanks kel, gav, anne and diane ! A set of nike wrist band with attached time piece. Cool stuff ! Thanks jonnie boy ! Gav joined us shortly. We headed down to the man utd store. My colleagues from Shell gave me some cash to get myself a farewell gift. So nice of them !! I got myself a black man utd jersey, hehe =D. Next we went Toys r us and got sth for a sudent of ours. He maybe notti, but he has a good heart and is sensible. We love him. Was abt to head to the mrt station when we pass Haagen Dazs. So I gave jon and gav a treat. Dun worry kel, we shall go for ice cream buffet after u recover. =)
Met mun and steph at PS. Mun got me 2 bottles of liang cha ! such a nice guy man !! thanks baby ! piggy joined us shortly. We Qed for quite some time b4 entering Thai Express. So much for being called express. The food was not that fantastic. It was alright. But we applied for the Orange card and got ourselves a discount becos its my bday ! and also a complimentary bottle of Red wine. Walked for a while in PS den piggy drove us to arab street. We had some light snacks and ordered vanilla flavoured sheesha. Unfortunately I could not smoke cos I was having cough =(. The ts peeps got me this yummy heart-shaped ice cream cake from Andersons. Cough also must eat !! haha. I m so sorry guys for appearing lifeless and moodless. My illness was taking a toll on me. Had breathing difficulties and was feeling very lethargic. But being with u guys made me feel happy ! I will be back with a bang ! Would like to shout out a special thanks to piggy for sending me back. Really sweet of u =). Thankfully mun and u were smart enuff to find ur way back.
Here are some pics of my bday pressies ..
A farewell cum bday gift from shell :

Finally a new sling bag ! (doesnt this type of bag looks like someone else's):

Cool cap ! (hmm now this cap looks like someone else's too) :

A titanium ring ! sleek ! :

A big ang bao ! $888 ..right ! :

Hush puppies socks :

Best brother award *grinz* :

Jus another underwear ? :

NOT !!! Check it out !:

Creator of Don Junior ! heh :

Thanks peeps for the lovely wonderful and interesting pressies =D
posted at 9:18 AM