Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Our friendship
This friendship of ours, i will always treasure
Sticking together through thick and thin, this i am sure.
I very much doubt we need to go thru thick though,
cos bliss encircles us, no matter where we go.
I may not always be around when u need me.
fear not, jus call my name and i will be there.
Our presence was not known to each other when we started out in class 1F04,
Who would have known u r the fren i was long looking for,
a perfect flawless friend.
3 years old, thats how long our friendship is now
For eternity, this is how long i want it to last.
I may be all lies in Indian Poker,
but all this words i say to you are true, i vow.
I haven forget our venture to Hollywood to find stardom and perform by the bay.
Seriously, i really hope we can play canon in d together some day.
Everytime we go out, its jus eat and eat, we are known as Yummy King !
So when's our next eating outing, jus give me a ring.
Its such a messy poem i have written, i hope u dun mind,
i am sure u wont, since u r so kind.
I know i m suppose to make you cry while reading this,
But i would rather see u laugh and smile, thats what i really wish.
Writing this letter made me realise how important you are to me,
haha, not that i didn't think u were not impt before,
its jus so i can bring in the sentimental effect, you see.
I shall treat you like a precious gem which i stumble upon,
i promise you, if not my name is not Don.
I hope u like the sea shells i will be giving to u later,
they are from tioman, we collected at the beach, remember?
Finally i can get rid of the sea shells,
which are collecting dust on my shelves. Heehee.
I will miss you dearly while u are away at Australia,
Heng, lucky still got munie hoe, steph and Amelia.
Nothing beats having you ard , so faster come back okie?
Here comes the end of the letter,
and so i would like to let u know, 'cuppycake' and 'sweetie pie' will last forever ...
I bet everyone would be jealous i wrote this letter to u,
Soon all of them will want one too.
Maybe i shall incur a charge per piece,
If not i cant get any peace.
I think i am hooked to this rhyming thingy, writing till i go crazy haha. Eh… on behalf of the TS team i would like to wish u a wonderful and safe trip. We will definitely miss u lots. Alamak go for holiday oso write until u gonna study there for 2-3 yrs like that. Hehe. Have fun there and remember to buy things back for us ! Team Spirit! Woosssh !
posted at 10:09 AM