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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

This is jus to keep my concerned frenz updated on the status of my injured knee. Ytd i went for my doc appt and the doc told me to go for surgery to replace my torn ligament. 2 weeks later my parents are to go down with me to nuh to approve the surgery. I hope and pray that my knee will finally heal. Theres so much to do and i m restricted by the injury. And i m becoming so fat !!! whaha.

Gav acc me to nuh den we proceeded to swee le to find out watz wrong with my amp and fix gav's bass. we bought some accessories there too. Went home to put down our stuff and headed to the gym to meet kel. dun feel like going gym lo, feeling so lazy. haha. had dinner with gav and headed for home.

When i reached home mildred said she was feeding the cats and asked if i wanna join. So i cycled down to her place. Oh let me introduce the 4 cats 1st. haha. Happy (ah mel), or bin, hua hua and gan jing. She and her mum already fed happy, so i went to feed or bin 1st and then hua hua. hua hua is sooooo shy, in front of me wun eat lo. i must be outta sight den she will eat. =(. There were left over, so mildred took the rest and gave to orbin. Or bin is such a greedy pig... eat so much. Her mum called to ask if i want some sweet potato soup, i said its ok but i think she heard ok. haha. so her dad brought a bowl down for me. so nice of them ! I saved a piece of sweet potato for happy to eat since she keep on staring at me while i drink the soup. Den when i offered it to her, she jus smelled it and did not eat. Den mildred say she dun like the smell of ginger ! wah lao cat oso so fussy. eh mildred how come ur cats all got ur characteristics de. whahaha ! It was getting late, so headed back home.

posted at 11:31 PM

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Sunday, August 28, 2005

The great weekends jus come after one another and it rocks! Fri night stayed over at Gav's. We cooked ourselves a scrumptious dinner ! Pics will be uploaded soon ! After that we jus jam till the wee hrs of the morning. The passion is burning within us ! yeaaaaa man ! Next day we jammed more. Mun came and joined us. We went home to put our stuff down den we met for dinner. We den headed to Anne's place. A bus was hired to bring us to dif nightspots. It was really an eye opener. I've nv been to these places b4. haha. yaya somebody will say i m very ignorant as usual =P. But ya, u see pple working thru the night till the next morning. And we had supper at 2am ! hehe. The raw cockels were simply delicious ! Reached home rather late ard 4-5am. Slept ard 6 plus.

Woke up ard 1 plus. Ate "breakfast" which my dad bought. Met kel, went to jp to buy myself a bag. But could not find the one i saw the other time. Bought some chocs for deanna and her family. Headed down to deanna's place. Played some badminton, soccer, cycled. haha, it was realy fun. Her mum ordered canadian pizza for dinner. lol poor kel, he did not like pizza and cheese, so he ate chicken wings only. And deana did not eat her dinner. she claimed shes not hungry, but i think she only like pizza from pizzahut. We chatted with her parents over dinner. They are really friendly and nice pple. Made us feel at home =). Deanna and her sis keep luffing at thier dad. haha. reminds me of my sis and me. lol. Her mum was asking how come we have a 8 yrs age gap, yet we can click. lol. Makes me wonder too, i think deanna is a special ger and i feel comfortable around her. And shes really nice ! (so pls tag deanna !)Oh ya and she has got a really friendly and sweet looking sis. After dinner we played cards. Then at ard 9pm we headed home. Have to wait till the 4th den will get to see her again. Haha, cant wait !

posted at 11:44 PM

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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Its fri. Suppose to meet gav after work, however i forget to take some stuff and i wanted to take my ps2 to the chalet too. So i went home 1st. Slacked at home for a while. Waited for mildred at Mac and waited and waited till the cows came home. haha. Its not her fault la cos she asked me to leave 1st. On the bus, we were crapping all the way. She complained her bras would be damaged becos they were all cramped inside her bag. HAhA! I was commenting that black is a cool colour and anything black is cool. She said not true and i asked if she was being racist. LOL.

Met gav and mun at ps arcade. We proceeded to the food court where jon and jesse joined.Kel came next and we watched "The Maid". Worst horror movie ever. Ill give 1 star tho, for the ending story twist. Yes pls go waste ur money to find out wat it is. Saw mun off. He will join us again the next day cos morning he got tuition.
We went mac for supper den headed down to aranda. Jon ah, wah asssss man, brought us to the bus stop at somerset and realise theres no night rider to pasir ris there !! We crossed the road and fotunately found a bus which heads to pasir ris. haha.

The Chalet stay was quite fun. There are a few things worth mentioning abt. Firstly I finally learn how to play mahjong proper or at least to a playable extent. Soon i will be the god of mahjong, so watch out ! heh. Secondly, it was the 1st time i cycled for the longest distance and time. We cycled for around 4-5 hrs. Started from Aranda Country Club at Pasir Ris and ended at Changi Airport. Night cycling is damn fun man. Riding against the breeze. Enjoying the night scenery. When heading back, i and mildred were the last 2 of the grp of 9, cos we were enjoying the scenery more den the others, haha.Which brings me to the last point. Mildred is the clumsiest person i have ever met in my 20 yrs of life. Every other moment shes tripping. She can even fall when she is sitting down. The guys were joking abt how they cant imagine wat will happen if she were to drives. She fell a few times on the bicycle too. Anticipated it even b4 we set off. haha. So poor thing, such a delicate young lady. Must take care of urself k! Oh ya, she owes me a forfeit. muahahaha. We made a wager on jon. If jon were to win, i got to go to a lingerie shop and hang around and enquire abt an F cup bra for around 20mins. And if jon were to lose, she do the opposite. *grinz*

The BBQ was quite fun. jon was the fire starter. Hes pretty good at it. Had fun bbqing and eating with the company of great frenz. In the end we had quite a lot of food left ! Gav la, our food co-ordinator. haha. 2 P6 kids,Shaoqi and samantha, came too. Kel was busy playing with them. i m sure he had a great time being able to be with his fav students. We were standing around the bbq and mildred said it was a good way to lose fats cos of the immense heat and also losing cup size. Not like it really matters if she does, cos there wun be much dif also. HAHA! I wanted to stand there to lose my spare tire when mun warned me not to give discomfort to my lil brother or even kill my seeds of life .lol. It was so coincidental that piggy's cuz bday party was held there too ! Glad to see her around. cm, mun, piggy and me took some pics too.

Oh i forgot to mention, after the cycling chan min, yong wei (cm's xiao di), mildred and me rest below the chalet for a while. Den we headed towards the pasir ris beach with the intentions of watching the sunrise. Asked jon if he wanted to join, initially he said ok, but he found out we r cycling den he dun wan. -_____-" Walking to pasir ris beach will die lo, cycling is so much faster and easier. Anyways cm and yong wei headed to the beach 1st. Mildred and i went to the playground and climbed the spider web. We climbed all the way to the top and sit there. Its my 1st time climbing to the top. Yes no childhood i know. Wah siting up there is nice man. Cooling and relaxing, our butts were like glued there. And i felt like falling asleep over there. The sky became slightly brighter and we went down. Our feet touched the soft cooling sand. It has a nice feeling.Headed to the beach to sea the sun rise, but we saw no sun, jus brightening of the sky. It would have been perfect if we could walk along the shore with the waves splashing on our feets. But the beach was at low tide and its dirty and suck, yucks. Went to look for cm and yw. We headed to a food centre and had breakfast. Cm n yw had chee kuay while i shared Kuay chap with mildred. Great to have breakfast. Talking abt breakfast, i was suppose to throw mildred's initial breakfast to the 3rd storey where jon is suppose to catch it. Thanks to my wonderful throwing skills, it landed at the 2nd storey. hee. Yong wei have been a great help and a great friend. He was the one who lead us for most of the journey. Helped us buy drinks and dun wanna accept our money.

Called jon up to ask if they want breakfast and he said no need. Later we realise he din even know we called him ! -_-". All in all, it was great fun and i cant wait for the next chalet with them. =)

posted at 10:12 PM

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Thursday, August 18, 2005

In recent news, 2 celebrities already injured themselves due to horse riding. Around 1-2 months back Lin Zhi Ling and recently Madonna. They were left with broken rib-cages, and some other injuries. Fortunately, they were nth too serious. The worst case was the well known accident of Christoper Reeves. Left paralysed after falling from a horse.

Why do we subject ourselves to such pain and sufferings? I said this post would be abt the purpose of life, but i am afraid i cant deliver. Last night i chatted with lil princess abt life. Life is such an interesting topic. She said life is equivalent to suffering. I think without sufferings, we will not know how precious our lifes are. And she argued wont life be good without comparisons. So much to discuss and argue and debate over. Theres so much to think abt and i dun have the time to. So the post will come later. Give me time to find enlightenment and i will share it will you all. Let me end off by saying no matter how bad our lives are right now, there is always someone worst off den us. Letz be optimistic and make full use of our lives. Lil princess i really hope u wun look at life that way. Cheer up k. Nai ma will make give u more milk and make life a bliss for u. haha.

posted at 5:43 PM

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Sunday, August 14, 2005

I've been working for the past 2 weekends. That makes it 14 days of work. That makes me a tired man. As i am typing this, my eyelids are heavy. I cant wait for the coming weekend. I will sleep till the cows come home. But theres no regrets. I believe in life, theres no space for regrets. We do what we want and do it at our best. Yes, mon to fri everyday wake up 5.30am, but the work is stress free and its a good working environment and good pay, wat more can i ask for. Weekends, its not for the money, its more of helping anne out, and i get to play with the kids. makes me feel young again. The way kids thinks, so amusing. to think i onced think like that. The best thing is working with all my buddies !! I get to see yogi, mildred, mun, the x4 and cm so much more often. Yet again, wat more can i ask for. Its sad tho, i got less time with my family. Well time to plan a family outing to make up for it ! Ytd, we had the most no. of participants, but things went well. Had lots of fun with the kids once again. I really think i brain is getting rusty tho. Its been not thinking for a long time. I really need to sit down and have some serious thoughts. I think my next post will be "What is the purpose of life?" heh.

posted at 5:30 PM

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Jus like the title states. 2 guys crash at various weddings. The do some acting to bait the ladies they want and at the end of it hook them up for sex. Its a really halirious movie. They crash at a us secretary of state daughters wedding and targeted the 2 other daugthers. The found themselves falling in love with them. At the end of the movie, its rather meaning and ended happily ever after =).

Rating: 4/5 stars !

Watched the movie with jon, gav, kel, ann, pan, lis and ys. Sorry peeps cant stay with u all for dinner. Well it was pleasing enough jus to see ur faces =). Meet up soon ya.

posted at 12:32 AM

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Monday, August 08, 2005

I would like to start this entry by thanking Deanna for the very very early birthday pressie she gotten for me ! She asked me which is my fav band recently and i told her sum 41 ! And so she got me their album ! so sweet of her ! =D Oh ya thanks jerome ! they shared the cost. Attached is a cool looking hand-made birthday card. She claims her fren made it cos her art is not that good. Oh she oso got me this toy ferrari car, cos its my dream car. haha. tho its a oldie model, its still an imspiration and reminder for my aim of getting a real ferrari. Thanks once again deanna ! =D Below are the fotos of my pressie.

Work was not too bad. Sat was a lil tedious and there were more naughty kids ard. But sun was quite cool. Great kids, great company. Had much fun. Left early on sun to celebrate my sis bday at suki sushi. Ordered lots of scrumptious food ! yum ! Happy bday notti ger !

posted at 3:01 AM

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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Every other day i flip through the newspaper and i see deaths of pillion riders. Most of the time, they are ladies, girlfriends or wifes of the rider. I m not sure if u feel the seriousness of this issue. Its like a periodic execution from nature. Life jus goes. Its really sad. Quite some time back, 2 newly weds was on a bike back to m'sia. Wife dies. Few days back, a graduate died while riding with her bf. My ex-class mate died while riding as a pillion ! And i jus listened to her voice not long ago before the accident happened. The news was most heart breaking. Imagine the no. of lifes we can save by banning pillion riders. There have been articles of banning pillion riders below 16, but i think any age is still a risk. Anyway motorcycle is such a dangerous vehicle, i plead to all not to ride one if possible. Every single person i know, who rode a motorcycle for quite some time, never remain scratch-free before. My dad got a big scar on his arm, he had an accident and the bone broke and pierced out. My uncle visit the hospital a no. of times and everytime the hospital calls my mum, she would be so worried. My ex-form teacher almost died from a bike accident. He laid there losing lots of blood and almost died. Fortunately we was blessed and his time was not up. Our lifes are so precious, i hope pple will treasure them more.

posted at 5:23 PM

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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ytd was mun's bday. Happy birthday to u once again ! Had dinner with him, piggy and steph. Initially was suppose to head down to the gym with kel, but mun sms me asking me whether wanna meet for dinner or not. Well got to let kel down this time, cos bdays come only once a year. Sorry kel ! Anyways, suppose to meet in town at 1st. So i went to Heerens to window shop a lil and got mun a red wrist band !! I nv intented to get some cool or good looking for him. My purpose was for it to stand out and seek attention. muahaha. so u better appreciate mun ! The 2 ladies finished sch at 7.30, so we decided to meet at jurong pt was nearer to their sch (ntu). I met mun at tanjong pagar. We were gossiping to each other like aunties, having good luffs and all. We reach jp early, so we window shopped a lil. The gers arrive a while later and we headed for fish and co. Waited really long for seats and food. But all is well, caught up with each other. Dinner was really filling. Then we had cakes ! The ladies bought 3 small cakes from 'bread talk'. They were really yummy ! I was talking to mun abt our band and we were thinking he can be our key-boardist cum back-up drummer. hehe. Anyway headed home after that. Took the mrt back with piggy and mun. Then i was so engrossed trying to figure out piggy's bday. Sorry piggy ! must really forgive my super duper short term momery. Well i cant rmb lots of pple bday ! haha. Dun worry i will find out and make it up to u with a wonderful present k ! When i face the front i realise got this super gorgeous ger sitting infront of me. *Drools* man. I wanted to see piggy to her stop, that means taking from boonlay to raffles place den take to choa chu kang via woodlands. It maybe insane, but its worth it for piggy ! haha. But i din, cos that ger lighted at jurong east too. But piggy sure wun mind, for my happiness. And so i sat beside her on my way home to choa chu kang. I took glances at her thru the opposite reflections. Gosh, wat a beauty. I was so tense sitting beside her. I could not resist it tho, i had to start a conversation with her. So i decided to drop my wallet by my side, thus hitting her. I pluck up my courage and did so and she turned to me. I look into her eyes. It was most electrifying ! I could feel the blood rushing all ard my face. It started to feel so hot. I faster turned away. Cck was the next stop and i left without looking back. i m kinda bored, so the part till i sat beside her is true, the rest r jus words of boredom =D. I m brave, but not desperate. haha.

posted at 5:43 PM

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